Wow, S, I caught up on your blog last night. Do you anything but go out and have fun?
Sorry to sound like a wet blanket. I feel insanely envious of your urban, exciting existence. All these new friends and new experiences ... sigh. It's not really that I want my life to be like yours. It's that I worry my life will be too boring for you to find any interest in it.
Mostly, I just crave a trip to Starbucks. They symbolize civilization to me nowadays--the closest is in Eugene, I think.
My sister might not be able to take me to the airport in October. This is because Bert's grandfather is reaching the end of his stay on the planet, and Bert wants Kristi and the kids to come down and say goodbye to the fella, when it's convenient for Bert. See, Bert's g-pa lives in Texas, and Bert has to work in Texas that week, so he thinks it would be dandy if K and the kids could come down and they could have a family thing. He wants her to leave the 6th, but she's negotiating for the 7th, so we could fly out the same morning. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he will agree. If not, I will have to make my way from Forest Grove (mom can't drive in Portland) to the airport, spend the night there (there's no way I can get from Heidi's to the airport before 6:30 in the morning), schlepping a 25-lb kid, 15-lb carseat, 40 or so lbs of luggage ... on the bus. Whew.
Okay, I should dash. Hope all is well!