Thursday, December 23, 2004

I'm here

I've hardly been at home since I'm slaving away at SMS. Stu-pid stuck me upstairs by myself in the computer room. He did allow me to use the radio so that is something.

I had lots of issues with getting home but I will tell you all about later. It's very strange but I kind of miss DC, I never ever thought that I would say that. I think it's just that I miss my routine there.

I'm so excited to see you so very soon!

I went to Trader Joe's yesterday and I noticed that the Kupie-Cone is out of business and there is a very cute cafe there called Sunday.

tap, tap ... is this thing on?

hi! Sorry I've been neglecting the good old SPF. What's up? What's going on? How is the holiday merriment?

Friday, December 17, 2004

uggh, resumes

well, i got a possible-maybe from MSS about SMS. Uggh. One of those "we don't really know what our needs will be for the next year, but please call me when you get in to town and we'll talk" responses. Translation: no. Sorry, get your resume out and pound the streets, bitch, cause we don't have any money/space/whatever. Uggggggggggggggghhhhhhhh.

Right now, I just wish I didn't have to move, I could just stay here and not have to leave my child with other people or try to get a job (and with my new awful hair, that's not going to be any easier) or get a job that's crappy and awful that I'll hate, because that is what I'll end up getting.

I am so depressed.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Do you still have the Tied and Tickled Trio cd? I have a yearning to copy it if you do, if not I will survive.

Friday, December 10, 2004

making it great

I know! I've been thinking about Portland breakfast a lot, too. I can't wait ...

Hey, do you think you give my brother a sexy haircut when you are here? He needs a new look, and doesn't trust barbers. My new hair might need help, too. I don't know. You'll have to check it out when you get here.

I saw your blogger post. Ugggggggh boys!!! I will try to call you tonight or tomorrow to commiserate.

hey there Infiltrator Badger

Since we spoke the other day I can't stop thinking about breakfast in Portland. Lists of good places to go are running through my head and keeping me from writing the stupid papers that I need to do.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Happy birthday to you
happy birhtday to you
happy birthday dear woggieeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
happy birthday to you!!!!

I yuk you tons and bunches